New or Redevelopments in Jabiru
Photo credit Peter Keepence Photography.
Where a sub-lease is being sought for a new development, or an existing sub-lessee if seeking consent for redevelopment, you are encouraged to reach out to GACJT at an early stage of planning to engage with the Traditional Owners and obtain an In-Principle agreement to proceed. This can be done by completing a GACJT Preliminary Development and Works Proposal Meeting Request Form.
Note that all proponents of developments in Jabiru must comply with the ‘Jabiru Masterplan Development Management Framework’, which includes the Cultural Heritage Management Protocols for Jabiru.
Jabiru Masterplan: Development Management Framework
This document describes the approach of GACJT representing the Mirarr Traditional Owners in administering the Township Lease over Jabiru.
JMDMF Appendices
A. Jabiru Masterplan (2018-2021)
B. Jabiru Sub-Lease Applications and Approval Guide (July 2023)
C. Access to Rental Housing in Jabiru Charter (July 2023)
D. Cultural Heritage Management – Protection Standard and Protocols for Jabiru (2022)
E. Jabiru Business Case 2018 – Excecutive Summary (2018)
F. Jabiru Lakefront Precinct – Detailed Concept Plan (2021)
G. Jabiru Concept Design – Return Briefs (2021)
H. Housing Design Requirements (2021)
Standard Outdoor Living Area Designs (2024)
I. Jabiru Design Guideline (2021)
Jabiru Design Guidelines Approved Material List and Colour Palette (2023)
JMDMF Attachments
Jabiru town is located within the World Heritage listed Kakadu National Park and is subject to special environmental protection requirements under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Cth) 1999. Developers are required to engage in environmentally sustainable development including conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, conservation of biodiversity and cultural heritage sites and disaster risk reduction planning. All development works in Jabiru will need to obtain the relevant environmental approvals prior to commencement.
For further information please download the documents below: