The Board met for the thirtieth time on the 9th of February 2023. All of the Board members attended, assisted by CEO Dr Emma Young, Governance and Leasing Officer Jessica Wright and interpreter Dr Murray Garde. The Board was addressed by Mike Gregory, Director of Student Experience at Caulfield Grammar. Mike provided a general overview of the school and discussed some preliminary expansion concepts Caulfield is considering at Jabiru. The Board considered and approved new sublease arrangements for the service station and West Arnhem Regional Council, an additional licence with Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Council and extension of existing licences with the Northern Territory Government, the Director of National Parks and DCCEEW until 30 June 2023. It also approved a new design and colour scheme for additional accommodation at Aurora. The Board, in its pursuit of world’s best practice in environmental design, had a discussion with adviser Simon Scally about lifting the current requirement for housing in Jabiru from a 5 to a 7 Star NatHERS energy rating. The Board agreed that further discussion was needed about this and also of a new shade structure design.  The future of Town Camp had been a concern of GACJT for some time, given that it is uninsurable in its current state. Following a briefing from the CEO and discussion, the Board agreed that once accommodation had been found for long-term residents Town Camp should be demolished as soon as possible.

Photo credit Peter Keepence Photography.