The Board met for the thirty-fifth time on the 8th of February 2024 in Jabiru. The majority of the Board participated either in person or via Teams and was assisted by CEO Dr Emma Young, Governance and Leasing Officer Jessica Wright, minute taker Maxine Campbell and interpreter Dr Murray Garde. The Board was joined by the incoming Director of National Parks, Ricky Archer, and the Board had a useful discussion with Mr Archer about strengthening the relationship between the Mirarr and Parks. The Board agreed to grant a sublease over one of the industrial lots to Richard Mitchell Pty Ltd and to extend the licence for the Crocodile Hotel. The Board noted and welcomed the settlement of recent litigation. The Board agreed to extend the current terms of its rent with the service station, and agreed to meet with town camp residents about its future. The Board approved the demolition of two residential lots that are beyond economic repair and approved works to allow Power and Water to upgrade ageing electrical infrastructure. The Board also approved a funding request for outstation works at Djirrbiyuk and Mudjinberri.