The Board met for the thirty-fourth time on the 22nd of November at Jabiru. All of the Board participated either in person or via Teams and was assisted by CEO Dr Emma Young, Governance and Leasing Officer Jessica Wright, translator Nonica Hardy and interpreter Dr Murray Garde. The Board agreed to extend a number of licences to organisations, including the Commonwealth and Territory Governments, that had not yet finalised their subleases to GACJT. The West Arnhem Regional Council’s licence to maintain was varied to also include additional laneways in Jabiru. The Board also agreed to a request from BAI Communications to carry out various works on its property, including installing a second satellite dish and also for Telstra to upgrade its tower. The Board considered detailed designs for the the Bininj Resource Centre, approving them with a request to see the final designs when available. The Board noted the completed Manabadurma Assessment Report summary about the condition of housing at Town Camp and agreed in principle to demolish a number of structures that are beyond economic repair. It authorised the CEO to meet with Town Camp residents to explain the decision and to source funding for the work. The Board agreed to an amendment to one of the industrial lot boundaries and gave in-principle support for a fence at the Police compound. The Board discussed financial matters and approved a request for funding from Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation for various improvements at Djirrbiyuk outstation.
Photo credit Peter Keepence Photography.