The Board met for the thirty-second time on the 6th of July 2023 at the GACJT office in Jabiru.  A majority of the Board was present, assisted by CEO Dr Emma Young, Governance and Leasing Officer Jessica Wright, translator Nonika Hardy and interpreter Dr Murray Garde.

Irma Lamay and Randal Ashford from Ashfords architects, as well as Matt Phillips from the NTG, attended to show their concept design for the new Bininj Resource Centre.  Following discussion and feedback, the Board endorsed the schematic design, asked for it to be brought back for consideration at key design development phases, and agreed to a subdivision to allow for eventual construction.  

The Board also heard from Brad Welsh and Richard Prest from ERA. The ERA reps took the Board through an updated presentation on their Worker’s Camp proposal, including demonstrating how it had considered and incorporated advice from Simon Scally, GACJT’s architect adviser, on improving the visual amenity of the proposed camp extension. Following discussion, the Board approved the expansion of the workers camp in its current location for a maximum period of up to 10 years, subject to a number of conditions on ERA, including eventual removal of the demountables on the site, allocating a minimum of 48 rooms to non-ERA contractors and ERA assuming responsibility for ‘Jabiru Heights’.

The Board also considered and approved a number of subdivision applications and variations to existing licence conditions.

Photo credit Peter Keepence Photography.